March 28, 2012

The "Fuck Your _____" Game

I invented a new game.

You see, these past few weeks I've spent most of my time enveloped in a bitter aura of rage and hatred. The result of all this negative energy is what I have dubbed "The 'Fuck Your _____' Game". (As in "Fuck Your Blank") Here are the rules:

1. You must play with at least one other person.

2. The other people playing must have a knowledge of the people who are about to referenced in the "Fuck Your ____" construction.

3. The object of the game is to score ten points.

4. Points are gained by correctly guessing who is being referenced. Incorrect guesses lose you a point.

Now, those are the basic rules. The real meat and bones of the game, however, is the "_____" part. That "_____" is filled in by a personality trait or other characteristic of any person that you and the other people playing know. Obviously, this trait should be something glaringly (and annoyingly) apparent.

For example, let's say the subject is Owen Wilson. I would say something like "Fuck your broken-ass looking nose". If you guessed "Tom Cruise", you'd be wrong. You would then lose a point. If, however, you did indeed say "Owen Wilson", then you'd be totally right! And you would gain a point. Go you.

Now, you try. I'll wait.


Good. You're getting the hang of it.

To make the game a bit easier, you should probably give some context of the person you're victimizing. For instance, if you're playing with coworkers, say, "This person works with us". If you want to play strictly with celebrities, say "This person is a celebrity".

So, I'm going to leave you with an example. It's another celebrity, for simplicity's sake.

Fuck your Ra Ra Ras.

Happy playing.


  1. I like this new game and I challenge you to a match next time we hang out...

    1. Being that we're family, this could get really fun.

  2. I feel that this could be made into a drinking game. One drink for every time you guess wrong, a shot for whoever guesses your person correctly.

    1. I never thought of that but that you're totally right.
